Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is SmartSIP?

    SmartSIP is revolutionary new order type for investing in Mutual Funds.

    A SmartSIP automatically follows the rule of Buying Low and Selling High instead of a regular SIP which buys units even when markets are high. In a SmartSIP order, when the market prices are expensive, money is invested in low risk liquid funds and when the market prices are cheap, more money is invested in equity funds.

  • How does the SmartSIP work?
    • When the ‘MosDex’ of a particular fund is between 90-105, investment is continued in the choice of your equity fund as the NAV is reasonably priced.
    • When the ‘MosDex’ of the particular fund goes beyond 105, investment is doubled in the equity mutual fund as the NAV is undervalued and available at low price. (Only in case of SmartSIP+, in case of SmartSIP some units of the liquid fund are redeemed (If available) and re-invested in the equity fund with the client’s consent)
    • When the ‘MosDex’ is between 80-90, the NAV of the fund becomes expensive hence SmartSIP skips investing in the equity fund and parks the money in a respective AMC’s liquid fund with the client’s consent.
    • When the ‘MosDex’ falls below 80, partial profits are booked as NAV becomes very expensive and new investment is made in low risk respective AMC’s liquid fund after the client’s consent.
    • And when the markets/NAV is reasonably priced or is inexpensive, the investment is shifted back to the choice of equity scheme.
    • Low MosDex Value = Expensive markets = Liquid / Debt Scheme

      High MosDex Value = Inexpensive markets = Investor Chosen Equity Scheme .

      Get Higher returns while also maintaining the discipline of SIPs via SmartSIP.

      For Detailed understanding of the order execution mandate, please refer our terms and conditions page.

  • What are the benefits of SmartSIP?

    A SmartSIP order is much superior than a regular SIP on account of the following:

    • Higher Returns
      • Higher returns as compared to the conventional 70:30 Equity Debt SIP and also the only 100% Equity SIP mode
    • Higher Realisable Value of the invested Corpus
      • The realisable value of invested corpus is much higher as compared to corpus value of the SIP investments
    • Lower Risk
      • At the times when markets are expensive, instead of buying the expensive equity units, liquid units are bought which leads to lower risk
  • Why is the mandate necessary for the SmartSIP?

    A SmartSIP follows the same discipline of the SIP with respect to amount and frequency, therefore it is mandatory to have a approved mandate for successful execution of SmartSIP orders.

  • If I can start regular SIP with Rs. 500, why should I have to have Rs. 5000 installments of SmartSIP?

    SmartSIP is a simple order with two legs – investor chosen equity scheme and liquid scheme of the same AMC. Investment in the either schemes and rebalances from liquid to equity and vice versa are made based on the MosDex value with the client’s consent. Most schemes have minimum transaction limits for additional purchases/redemptions due to which the minimum installment size is kept at Rs. 5000.

  • I am an existing customer of RankMF and I also have my mandate approved and a SIP is running, can I start SmartSIP instantaneously?

    The current mandate is registered for SIP. We request you to kindly create an One Time Mandate to execute a SmartSIP order.

  • What happens if the mandate debit instruction is rejected, will SmartSIP stop?

    In case your debit instruction is rejected your SmartSIP order will be skipped for that particular month and shall be attempted again in the subsequent month.

  • When will the money in my bank account be debited and how much?

    The money will be debited for your bank account on your SmartSIP date. In case of SmartSIP the money debited will be that of the installment amount. In case of SmartSIP+ double the amount of installment shall be debited from your bank account.

    Note : Kindly keep your account adequately funded on your SmartSIP date for smooth execution of the order.

  • What is the difference between SmartSIP and SmartSIP+?

    SmartSIP has 2 options , with top up and without top up . SmartSIP+ is the variant with the top up option. When the margin of safety index is very high , then an additional amount equivalent to the SmartSIP installment amount is invested for superior returns to as compared to the SmartSIP.

    SmartSIP is like a regular SIP presumes that the SIP installment amount each month shall remain the same. So, if the regular SIP amount is Rs. 10000 for 60 months over 5 years i.e. a total investment of Rs. 6,00,000, the amount under SmartSIP would also be equal to Rs. 6,00,000 i.e. Rs. 10,000 * 60 months.

    In the SmartSIP+ variant, additional top up amounts are drawn from your account depending on the Margin of Safety. For e.g. if the Margin of Safety was 106 for a particular month on SIP day, instead of Rs. 5,000 which would otherwise be drawn, Rs. 10,000 is drawn for that month.

  • What is the difference between SIP and SIP+?

    SIP has 2 options, with top up and without top up . SIP+ is with top up option. When the Margin of Safety index is very high , then over an above the normal SIP amount,an amount equivalent to the SmartSIP installment amount is invested as an additional amount over an above the monthly instalment for superior returns to regular SIP

    In the SIP+ variant, no sell or skip transactions are made but only top up SIP transactions are undertaken in months where Margin of Safety is high. This is suitable for lock in schemes like ELSS schemes where sale transactions are not permitted on account of lock in period.