A trusted digital platform

for choosing & investing in ‘Sahi’ mutual funds

Scientific mutual fund

research & rating method

A proprietary research engine analysing over 20 million fundamental & market data points everyday to rate and
rank every mutual fund scheme in the market.

Fund ratings

RankMF is the only platform that rates and ranks mutual funds based on the underlying portfolio of the scheme.

Stock rating indicator

Rates each and every stock in the universe which is used to analyse the portfolios quality of mutual fund schemes.

Margin Of safety index

Indicator to help investors invest in the right funds at the right time and price.

Strength indicator

Indicates fund strength based on ability to generate returns at lower risk and resilience in volatility.

Smart SIP aims to generate higher returns

than regular SIP’s on your mutual fund investments with RankMF’s research.

A unique investment order type that can create superior risk adjusted returns based on
Margin of Safety Index (MosDEX).

Superior returns

Earn additional returns at no extra cost.

Achieve goals faster

Higher returns every year lead to much higher corpus value at the end of the investment period.

Buy low, Sell high

Age old principle to invest the right way now applied to your disciplined investments.

Lower risk

At the times when markets are expensive, instead of buying the expensive equity units, liquid units are bought which leads to lower risk.

SmartSwitch - A free portfolio

evaluation & upgradation tool

Now smartly evaluate your current mutual fund portfolio, check your portfolio score and switch poor performing funds into good quality funds to upgrade your portfolio score scientifically based on various parameters.

Basic switch

Poor quality fund switch to better funds in same category.

Advanced switch

Poor quality funds move to better funds in a different category but the same asset class.

Retain quality funds

Schemes which are performing well and highly rated will not be recommended to switch.

Check eligible funds

Schemes where redemption is not allowed will not be eligible for switching.

Check your portfolio quality in 3 simple steps

Mutual Fund Portfolio Evaluation

Hassle free goal-based

investing with RankMF baskets

Invest in researched ready-made baskets of quality funds customised & curated by experts
designed to meet various goals.

Specific goals

Be it retirement planning, investing for children’s education or just saving tax. There is a basket for all major life & financial goals.

Build a corpus

Not interested in saving based on a specific goal. Just create wealth by building a corpus of 1 crore with RankMF basket.

Stipulated time horizon

Every basket has a predefined time in which the goal will be accomplished and achieved.

Risk appetite

To diversify the risk based on the investor risk profile. Basket has a variant for each type of conservative, moderate and aggressive investors.

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