As a child I would eagerly wait for final exams to finish. The last day of the final exam would mark the beginning of two and half months of fun-filled holidays.
You could play all day and no one would stop you. The summer vacations between school were certainly the best days of our life.
In this article we cover
Kya Aapka Mutual Fund Sahi Hai?
Discard Rotten Mangoes from your Portfolio with SmartSwitch
SmartSwitch Kills Two Birds with One Stone
Improve Your Returns by Switching to Better Funds
There was one more thing which made summer vacations even sweeter…MANGOES.
Yes, I would eagerly wait for the mango season to begin. I would go to the market with grandpa and get raw mangoes in bulk. We would allow the mangoes to ripe for a few days before we could enjoy them.
My grandpa would keep a regular tab on mangoes. He would pull out the ripe ones for immediate consumption and discard the ones which were rotten. This was a regular practice.
I asked the reason behind doing this regularly.
Why can’t we just leave them alone for a week? I spoke.
He replied, Beta we must keep a regular check on them…Ek sada hua aam, puri peti ko kharab kar deta hai.
The last line stuck with me till date. Isn’t it true in all aspects of life?
One wrong person in your friend circle can put the whole group in trouble.
In a company or department, it doesn’t matter if the team has a few star performers…if there are some who fall behind. A team is only as strong as its weakest member. You are only as strong as the weakest link in the chain.
Its true for your mutual fund portfolio as well. One wrong fund can spoil returns of the entire portfolio.
But with RankMF by your side that won’t happen to you. Read on…
Kya Aapka Mutual Fund Sahi Hai?
Most retail investors don’t know whether they hold the right mutual fund in their portfolio. What does a right mutual fund mean?
There are a few things that you must see in the mutual fund. First of them all is its portfolio. A mutual fund is only as good as its portfolio.
If a fund holds bad quality stocks then it won’t generate returns going forward. It doesn’t matter if the fund has generated excellent returns in the past. What matters is the current quality of portfolio. After all that’s where the future returns come from.
RankMF’s proprietary research engine analyses 20 million data points daily to rank every listed stock in the market. This enables RankMF to identify mutual funds with top quality stocks.
RankMF deals with the problem upfront. If you use RankMF to pick mutual funds for your portfolio then chances are extremely low of you buying a wrong fund.
But what if you already hold a bad fund in your portfolio? What if the fund is hurting your investment returns?
This is where SmartSwitch comes in to picture.
Discard Rotten Mangoes from your Portfolio with SmartSwitch
It is RankMF’s unique tool which allows you to evaluate mutual funds in your portfolio. SmartSwitch works just like my grandpa and helps you identify the funds which are hurting your portfolio’s returns.
You don’t want even a single bad fund in your portfolio, right?
Then you must use SmartSwitch once every three months and evaluate your funds. This could be done easily by uploading your latest Consolidated Account Statement (CAS).
If you need any help generating your e-CAS here are the steps to download through CAMS Online, NSDL, CDSL, KFintech.
Once you upload your CAS you will see your current portfolio score in percentage terms. It is based on the existing composition and quality of funds you hold. You will notice an ‘Upgrade My Portfolio’ tab if there is scope to improve your score.
SmartSwitch Kills Two Birds with One Stone
Its easy to pull out a rotten mango and throw it away. But its hard to exit from a mutual fund you have been holding for a while. A lot of retail investors don’t exit from a bad fund even after knowing that it is bad.
There are two reasons behind it. First is an emotional. Its tough to accept mistakes for all of us. Most prefer holding on to underperformers in expectation of a turnaround rather than cutting them down quickly.
Success in investing depends on your ability to eliminate losers and strengthening your winners. You must do less of what’s not working and more of what’s working to make money in markets. SmartSwitch does that for you.
Second is a practical reason. Several investors genuinely don’t know where to reallocate their funds. Its not their fault that there are more than 3,500 schemes to chose from.
This leads to a paralysis of sorts for investors. It’s too overwhelming to make the reallocation decision. Which fund is good? Will it be better than the one I am holding right now? These are some of the questions that a retail investor deals with while reallocating.
With SmartSwitch one can solve both these problems in one click. SmartSwitch tells you the funds which are bad and needs to be eliminated. It also suggests the funds which you could switch to.
It gives you two options for improving your score. First is a basic option where it would recommend better fund in the same category. For example, if you are holding an infrastructure fund then it would recommend a switch to a better infrastructure fund in the same category.
Under the advance option it would give you an option to switch to a better funds in different category but same asset class. For example, it would recommend a switch from infrastructure to multicap fund. It is a better category compared to infrastructure but under the same asset class – Equities.
You will notice two more options on your screen. It will show you all the good funds you are holding in your portfolio which do not need switching.
It will also show you bad funds which cannot be switched due to lock in period or minimum investment threshold not met.
Improve Your Returns by Switching to Better Funds
You have complete control over the funds you wish to switch and ones you don’t want to. However, its better to switch to good quality funds if you want to improve your portfolio returns.
When RankMF recommends to switch between funds it tells you why the fund you are holding is bad. It also tells you the advantages of switching to the better fund.
The ultimate control is in ‘your hands’. Its up to you to trigger a switch now.
Once you proceed it shows you your new portfolio score based on the funds you decided to switch. You can review the details once more. You will get details of the redemption amount from poor quality funds and the new amount switched in to the new funds.
As a final step you must click on ‘complete switch’ button. You will receive an OTP on your registered mobile number. The transaction won’t be complete until you enter OTP and submit.
Once you take this last step you will have switched to better quality funds and improved the overall returns on your investment.
So that’s how RankMF can help you eliminate your losers and strengthen your winners. It maximizes profits by focusing on protecting your capital.
If you want to check the quality of your funds then sign-up to RankMF right away. Its free and takes 15 only minutes of your time. That’s not all. You can get free access to all the other products from Samco as well with this single sign-up.
So, quickly sign-up and create wealth for yourself by investing in the best funds.

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